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How It Works

  • Search Products & Services

    Explore millions of commercial products and ancillary services. Take advantage of expedited shipping and handling, extended warranties, and 24/7 procurement support.

  • Buy From Verified Vendors

    Discover verified vendors that meet and exceed your socio-economic goals including AbilityOne, Veteran-Owned, Women-Owned, Black-Owned, Made in America and more.

  • Check Out With Ease

    Easily request standardized quotes with just a few clicks or conveniently pay using your government credit card, a purchase order or through other agency-approved methods.

Needing Fast Quotes?

  • Select

    Select the products or services you would like to get a quote on, and provide any relevant details.

  • Request

    Request between 1 or 3 quotes by providing your email and delivery address.

  • Receive

    Receive fully-compliant, standardized, and comparable quotes within minutes.

Reviews from

Governments & Small businesses

  • Increased Sales

    This platform will increase sales and visibility to our local businesses, with lower operational costs and convenience to customers. With many of our businesses facing staffing challenges, this electronic marketing and sales platform will lessen that burden.

    Former Mayor Kwasi Fraser
    Town of Purcellville
  • Obtain Price Quotes

    The Department of IT, in partnership with Glass conducted research to compare prices for small tech purchases. The DoIT staff created a list of potential technology purchases and obtained price quotes from our most used sites.

    Marc L. Shorr
    Chief Information Officer
  • Importance of Digitizing Government Procurement

    Glass’s work in digitizing government procurement is extremely important. In my own experience, once you start digitizing a sector, you not only lower costs by about 80% over time but you become more efficient and sophisticated as you can easily and quickly incorporate new technologies.

    Darlene Damm
    Faculty Chair & Head of Social Impact
  • Game-Changing for Governments

    Glass products are game-changing for governments. They enable them to instantly begin making better purchasing decisions and to recover significant time that was previously lost to administrative work and vendor research.

    Will Weisman
    Founder and Managing Director
  • Complete Government Order

    We recently completed a Government Order through Glass Commerce for over a million dollars. Overall the product spec check, quality and time requirements were communicated ahead of time.

    Aman Sandhu
    SafetyNet CEO
  • Accelerate Government's Small Purchases

    Glass offers a value-added array of services and products to accelerate governments’ small purchase decision making and execution.

    Will Clarke
    Former U.S. Department of Defense Officer
  • Product Was All Spot On

    Customer service, tracking, and product was all spot on. Communication was fast with quick replies and follow-up. Very professional at all levels, from order to delivery.

    Pierce County
    Emergency Management
  • Bringing Best B2B Practices to B2G

    Glass is a small California minority-owned start-up with the specific intent of bringing commercial best practices used in Business to Business (B2B) e-commerce marketplaces to the Business to Government (B2G) sector.

    Fiona Ma
    California State Treasurer
  • Gave my small, woman-owned Business a Well-needed Boost

    Working with Social Glass, Inc gave my small, woman-owned business a well-needed boost. I never expected to do business with a government entity like the City of Miami, because of all the red tape involved, but Social Glass acted as the liaison and made it super easy. I can highly recommend doing business with this company and am looking forward to working with them in the future. Five stars!

    Erica des Roaches
    Veranda Plants and Gifts CEO